
About Mike King

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on November 1, 2010 at 8:10:41 am

About Mike King

I am graduate from the University of Oklahoma in Public School Administration and have been a teacher and principal for thirty-two years. Under my tenure, my schools have been recognized as exemplary by the Oklahoma State Department of Education and named a National School of Excellence by the U.S. Department of Education. I have also has been individually recognized as the 2005 finalist for the Oklahoma Medal of Excellence Award in Educational Administration and was a finalist for the 2005 Association of Professional Oklahoma Educators Foundation Award in Educational Administration. My technical experience has been recognized by the Goddard Foundation for documentary filmmaking, USA Today’s “Best Bet” educational website, and the Oklahoma State Senate for participation in Operation School Net. I have presented workshops for a variety of local, state, and national groups and at the National Staff Development Council’s annual conference. I have served as an adjunct professor at the graduate school of education at Oklahoma University and Northwestern Oklahoma State University. I have co-authored several published supplements for my works in “Developing School Programs and Policies” which include: “A Guide to Developing Human Resources”, “Building Bridges of Trust”, “Developing a Safe and Healthy School Environment”, “Developing A Learning School” and “The Virtual Schoolhouse”. I currently live in Dodge City Kansas, where I have served for two years as a Middle School principal.




Mike King named the 2010 KGCT (Kansas Gifted, Talented and Creative) Administrator of the Year


Pictured below is Mike King receiving his award at the KGTC state conference held in Wichita, Kansas as he was presented by  Mrs. Ann Adrian pictured top left.

































Designing Highly Engaging Digital Lessons

Incorporating technology in the classroom effectively, teachers must use those strategies that are directly aligned to practices that engage students in higher levels of direct learning and the development of critical thinking skills. This presentation is designed as an inquiry-oriented format which will provide  information on Web 2.0 digital tools that will enable educators at all levels to create 21st century learning environments. This mini session presented by Mike King will demonstrate how to design and create digital lesson using open source Web 2.0 software applications such as Wiki's with Widgets, Capzels, Delicious, Mindmiester, Quizlet, StudyStack, Slideshare, and Prezi along with EyePlorer. In the session, explanations will be provided to expand ideas and strategies for integrating technology-based, Web 2.0 resources into the design of a digital lesson and or thematic unit. The focus of the presentation will allow teachers to see, use, and understand the educational benefits of integrating technology into a well designed high engaging digital lesson.

 Mike King at Podstock July 16th and 17th 2010 

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Mike King at TIC TACK Conference: November 13, 2009  

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About Creativity

In most of us there lies a realm of creativity especially within children. Products of creativity are within all of us and the expression of divergent thought can be framed in both its quality to originality and appropriateness. Each of us would like to take claim to the originality of a creative idea but here lies the problem of appropriateness: to be acceptable in creativity you must also be forthcoming in originality. In my last in-service I explored the idea of creativity and the Digital Native. I asked the question to my audience who were mostly teachers, “Where do you think the Digital Native becomes creative with technology?”A long pause fell over the room as I studied each individual and looked for a glimmering eye that I could recognize for a response. As I scanned the room for an answer most heads were ducking. The answer I was to expand upon now emerged from the back of the room with a reply of; “From home in the confines of their unsupervised room.” Now with the answer emerging I structured my next response with another expository; “Where is it that the Digital Native spends most of their time?”


The answer was given simultaneously from the room like a choir singing out the chorus lines of My Space and You Tube. The point of the two questions was to bring out the idea that most technology and creative development is being experienced at home, in most cases unsupervised. A discussion then followed on how there is a huge gap between the digital native and the digital immigrant and that the digital immigrant reserves the idea of technology integration because they may no longer be the masters of content. In fact the Digital Native becomes the master of content when introducing technology into the classroom. Yet, by not introducing technology into the classroom we deprive so many students a constructive way to develop the tools of technology to enhance their world in a positive social environment that strengthens learning and the collaborative expansion of knowledge.


So what becomes the answer to this gap between the digital native and the classroom teacher who may be the digital immigrant? The answer is simple, become a facilitator of learning and not a master of content when it comes to technology. Additionally teachers should familiarize themselves with places where students can go on the World Wide Web to be both productive and creatively appropriate.

Articles by Mike King


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Podstock Presentation, July 16, 2010

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Mike King, Jesse West and Others

Overview of Podstock Presentation



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