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Photo Story 3

Page history last edited by Mike King 14 years, 4 months ago

Photo Story 3

Photo Story 3 for Windows: Create slideshows using your digital photos. With a single click, you can touch-up, crop, or rotate pictures. It’s that easy! Add stunning special effects, soundtracks, and your own voice narration to your photo stories. Then, personalize them with titles and captions. 


Photo Story 3 is an almost perfect tool for digital photography enthusiasts, digital story telling and a must-have utility for anyone who enjoys their own digital photographs. The effects generated by this application are both stunning and compelling, and very similar to the photo slideshow capabilities that Media Center users enjoy. However, by making Photo Story 3 available for free to all users of Windows XP, Microsoft has both elevated the status of the XP platform and given all XP users a wonderful simple way to create digital stories . If you're an XP user, you can download Photo Story 3  and get busy having your students creating their own digital stories. If you're not an XP user, then what are you waiting for? Photo Story 3 is just one of many excellent reasons to try the art of digital story telling.

User References

Photo Story 3 Digital Stories is an easy way to create digital stories.

Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum (Created in Photo Story 3 by Mike King))

We come here to remember those who were killed, those who survived and those changed forever. May all who leave here know the impact of violence. May this memorial offer comfort, strength, peace, hope and serenity.


Oklahoma City National Memorial from digitalsandbox on Vimeo.


State Capital Publishing Museum (Created in Photo Story 3 by Mike King by Mike King)

The State Capital Publishing Museum is home to a dynamic collection of territorial and early statehood printing presses, bindery equipment, newspapers and publishing history. The building, built by Frank Hilton Greer, in 1902 housed the first newspaper in the Oklahoma Territory and the largest printing plant west of the Mississippi. History has it that Frank Greer hopped a freight train and came to Guthrie, in April of 1889 with little formal education, some printing experience and $29 his pocket. From that day forward Greer developed a politically powerful newspaper with the largest circulation in the Territory aided by instillation of the first Linotype in Oklahoma. The Linotype is a printing machine that produces a solid "line of type." Introduced about 1886, it was used for generations by newspapers and general printers. It is a one-man machine that allows much faster typesetting The machine revolutionized newspaper publishing, making it possible for a relatively small number of operators to set type for many pages on a daily basis.


State Capital Publishing Museum from digitalsandbox on Vimeo.


PHOTOSTORY 3 SCREENCASTS: by jakesonline.com

  • Tutorial 1 | Beginning the digital storytelling process, corresponds to pages 1-2 of the tutorial handout.
  • Tutorial 2 | Removing black borders from images, corresponds to page 3 of the tutorial handout.
  • Tutorial 3 | Adding text to a title slide or image, corresponds to page 4 of the tutorial handout.
  • Tutorial 4 | Adding your voice narration.
  • Tutorial 5 | Customizing motion with Pans
  • Tutorial 6 | Customizing motion with Zooms
  • Tutorial 7 | Fine tuning motion in your digital story
  • Tutorial 8 | Adding transitions
  • Tutorial 9 | Adding background music-mp3's
  • Tutorial 10 | Adding background music-onboard music
  • Tutorial 11 | Finishing Your Digital Story

The Glass Mountains (Created in Photo Story 3 by Mike King)

The Blaine Escarpment begins to rise even beyond the Oklahoma northern border. In its bounty it gives us the Great Salt Plains, the Nescatunga and the Cimarron, Alabaster Caverns, Cedar Canyon with the natural bridge, Chimney Rock and its fantastic arena, the Glass Mountains, the Gyp Hills, Roman Nose Park, Red Rock Canyon, The Tonkawa Hills. Who named the Glass Mountains? Nobody knows. The name first appeared on a map issued by the federal land office in 1873. Two years later a map from this same source called them the Gloss Mountains, precipitating a conflict, which continues to this day. And it inspired a probable legend.The 1873 map resulted from a survey led by an engineer named T.H. Barrett. Historiographer James Cloud is of the opinion that the draftsman who copied the 1873 map misread the "a" and thought it was an "o". There is a persistent legend that a member of that first exploring party was British, or Bostonian.This Britisher (or Bostonian) awakening early one morning in the survey camp east of the mesas, saw the sun glinting on the selenite. He exclaimed in his long eastern patois, "Why, they look just like glaws!" Thence, the party’s cartographer simply wrote down what he thought he had heard. It was a passing error. Glass was the right word for their name, and so it remains.


Glass Mountains from digitalsandbox on Vimeo.



Animoto and Digital Stories

Another way to create digital stories using photos is to use an online software application called Animoto. Animoto is an application that renders unique photo montages that uses motion graphics, effects, and transitions from photos and music that you upload from your royalty free music files. The software will render unique passages as it uses a patent-pending "Cinematic Artificial Intelligence" software, which "thinks like an actual director and editor." The software analyzes the pictures and music that you input and decides on the proper effects and transitions to match both. To illustrate its capabilities I have uploaded a video file that was produced in Animoto using still digital photos rendered to music entitled Fort Supply.  To learn more about Animoto school applications go to http://animoto.com/education.


Fort Supply (Created in Animoto)

Historic Fort Supply was established on November 18, 1868, as Camp of Supply for the winter campaign against the Southern Plains tribes in what is now western Oklahoma. From the post, Lieutenant Colonel George Custer and the Seventh U.S. Calvary marched south to the Washita River and destroyed the Cheyenne village of Chief Black Kettle.


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