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Production Resources

Page history last edited by Mike King 12 years, 10 months ago

“Production Resources,” is designed to help digital developers with a plethora of websites that support free media sources for sound, digital imaging, editors, clip art, and video resources. Users entering this website must abide by copyright policy as requested by the web host. Please read each copyright resource header before activating a link to ensure that you have full understanding of requirements prior to using digital media in a production.



Free Widgets and Tools

·      Looking for some great free educational widgets and tools for your  social media site? You can select an educational widget from the Free Widgets and tools that works for your classroom social networking site and add it to your page in minutes. Free Widgets and Tools

Sound Resources


  • Now at the Music Store Vimeo offers both paid and creative commons noncommercial share alike music for special video projects. Over 45,000 track available. http://vimeo.com/musicstore


  • Audacity is a free, easy-to-use audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems. You can use Audacity to, Record live audio, convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs, Edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, and WAV sound files, cut, copy, splice, and mix sounds together and Change the speed or pitch of a recording.


  • American Rhetoric (famous speeches)“The site makes material available in an effort to advance understanding of political, social, and religious issues as they relate to the study and practice of rhetoric and public address deemed relevant to the public interest and the promotion of civic discourse.” You can also use Audacity to record speeches to use in your digital story.


  • Freeplay Music´s compositions and recordings may be used (broadcast, synchronized and/or copied) without a fee. These reproduction rights, known as Master Recording and Synchronization rights, are absolutely FREE. Personal Non-Commercial Use (Non-revenue generating or associated) Personal use does not include any broadcast use - web, blog, podcast Educational, Non-Commercial use (limited to student use on school grounds for in classroom projects- non broadcast)  Freeplay Music’s compositions and recordings may be used without a fee.



  • Nature Songs All content, including text, sounds and graphics are copyrighted to Naturesongs.com and Doug Von Gausig, 1997-2004. Any unauthorized use is prohibited. Educational and non-commercial license is usually granted without charge, but must be in writing from Naturesongs.


  • PodSafe Audio This site aims to provide a location where musicians can upload music under theCreative Commons License for use in Podcasts, Mashups, Shoutcasts, Webcasts and every other kind of ‘casting’ that exists on the ‘net…


  • MIDIMART.NET There is no limit to midi downloads on this site, you can download 1 file or all of them. The site also features many software downloads, such as Audacity, Jazz (MIDI) Sequencer, Quartz AudioMaster Pro and 4.6 RockN Wav Editor 1.8.   


  • Partners In Rhyme  Your Audio Resource for Multimedia Projects royalty free music, sound effects, midi files, audio software and sound advice.


  • MIDI Drum Program (Link) Simplified drum machine to make your own drum line. Files can be saved and then emailed to friends.


  • YAKitToMe Listen to work documents, homework, PowerPoint presentations, emails, RSS feeds, blogs and novels while you relax, commute or exercise. Proofread, learn a new language, multi-task, and use YAKiToMe! for entertainment. YAKiToMe! speaks multiple languages (English, Spanish, French, German, ...) with both male and female voices using the world's best text to speech (TTS) synthesis technologies.


  • Soundzabound Royalty Free Music supersedes Fair Use in that we fully license the music with unlimited rights for education and sign off that you are protected. Fair Use has limitations in use and states the you are liable should there be a claim.

Video Resources

  • Zamzar is a free online file conversion tool that allows you to convert Document, Image, Music and Video Formats without having to download any software. Teachers can use this site to convert Microsoft Office documents to PDF format, or Open Office and MS Works documents to Word. The converter tool is useful when a student sends an assignment that can't be opened.  The Zamzar conversion tool can also convert PowerPoint files into Flash movies. (See List of Conversion File Types) The site supports multiple batch up files so that several files can be converted at once. The conversion tool can also be used to convert videos that are stored on Google Video and YouTube. The interface has an easy to use three step process by first uploading a selected file type, then select the file type for conversion from a multiple selection menu. The last step in the process is to type in the e-mail address you want the file to be delivered too. After the upload is complete an e-mail is sent to the suggested e-mail with a link for you to find and download your file. You have twenty-four hours to download the converted file before the file is deleted from the server. The program has a limit to files larger than 100 MB.


  •  The History Channel Speeches and Video A great resource for historical video and speeches is the History Channel Network of speeches and video. To use this site you can choose from several main topics that include, This Day in History, US History, Military and War, Science and Technology, Exploration and World History. You can save your links to a personal file on the site or copy and paste a link to your production file.


  • PBS Teacher Source: PBS Teacher Previews is designed specifically for teachers and educators, and includes information about PBS programs with extended classroom taping rights, PBS Online sites with classroom resources and activities, and more. Sign me up for PBS Teacher Previews!  PBS permits use of hardcopies from portions of its Web site for non-profit, educational*, and/or personal activities. On any document of PBS Online content photocopied for distribution, please note the name of the PBS site, the URL (web address), and a copyright notice if available. * i.e., a teacher or instructor offering a course at a university/college, within a school system, or at an adult education/lifelong learning facility, with no fee charged for the material.


  • DIGITAL STORIES This website is designed to showcase digital stories. You can sample the digital stories presented here and submit your own individual or class project. The website makes use of digital storytelling by providing resources to support developers that include audio and video resources.



Find more videos like this on Podstock Southwest (PSW)

Flyers and Newsletters

  • The LetterPop free plan allows for 10 flyers to be produced which will be more than enough for most teachers and students. LetterPop has over 300 templates for quick and easy production. This means that newsletters and flyers can be produced very quickly. To start a plan for the number of pictures and information needs to be laid out in advance. The downside is once the template is selected you cannot edit the template to add more photos. This is a great online software application if you want a quick, good looking document but there are limitations if you want something more complex. "You can use LetterPop to create eye-popping newsletters, actionable presentations, irresistible invitations, beautiful product features, sizzling event summaries, informative club updates, lovely picture collages, and a whole lot more."












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