The Implications of Classroom Instruction and Open Source Distant Learning Software
The managementskillsrequired oftoday's educators and curriculum developers will include theability to assess the importanceof distant learning courses,and to develop policies that support theintegration of these new instructional delivery formats within the given standards ofthe requiredcurriculum.
Theevolutions of technology-based distant learning instructional formats and open source software applications like Moodle, Skype, DimDim and Voice Thread are creating new issues for schoolcontent developersas online learning opportunities become moreprevalent amongschool-aged children.Manystudentsand parents arebeginningto beintroduced to thepotentialsof taking course work outside of the school day to earnadditional creditsor to substitute course work that is being offered by their schools.School officials of the future will be expected to manage and understand thenature of distant learningtechnologiesand have the skillsto manage them.
To fullyappreciatethe nature ofdistant learningcapabilities,the educator must first understand the definitions associated with theinstructional formatsof distant learning technologies. Present learning technologies can be separated into two distinct delivery systems of synchronous orasynchronousinstruction. Synchronousinstructionoccurs when the instructor andstudent's primaryinteractionsare in real-time.Regularclassroom instruction is synchronous instruction,as well as two-way interactivevideo.
Web-based instruction that requiresreal-timeinteraction betweenstudent(s) and instructor asthe primaryformat ofinstructionis alsosynchronous instruction.Asynchronousinstruction is not dependent on instructor andstudentinteraction in real time. Asynchronous instruction allowsthe student to engage in learning activities anywhere at any time. For instruction to beconsidered asynchronous,theprimary format of instruction does not dependonreal-time interaction of theparticipants.
Cisco Telepresence Magic
Creating Classrooms Without Walls
A Video by Mike King
What is Skype?
Skype, is an open source software program that allows anyone to talk to anyone else in the world over the Internet for free. The software program is easy to install and can be downloaded at the following site. People and classrooms around the globe are using Skype as a part of their daily communication plans to keep in touch with friends, classmates, classrooms and family member with a clearer as a cell phone voice connection. You can easily ad a webcam for video connection to see the person or classroom you are visiting with. You can have as many as 9 users on an audio only conference call. Just imagine the benefits of creating classrooms without walls.
Classroom Usage
Skype's ease-of-use and video conferencing capability make it a hugely beneficial tool in helping students connect with others outside of the classroom walls. The greatest benefits for classroom use is that teachers can quickly and easily invite guests from all over the world to speak to their students. Additionally, social studies and foreign language teachers can use Skype to connect with classes in other countries to share experiences in their native language and language arts teachers, with the help of the school librarian can connect with the authors to share and read literature. A science teacher from another school or university could use Skype's video and audio resources connections to demonstrate the scientific process through various lab experiments. A zoologist could share the habitats of different animals while a doctor could discuss the impotent's of sustaining a healthy lifestyle.
Skype is an easy to use a free teleconferencing conferencing software program that has been noted to use up school network resources. Used wisely with the right notification schedule to the Districts Information Technology Department would ease some bandwidth stress on the schools network during low peak times. Also schedules and time zones can limit the ability to arrange for a call with an invited guest who is outside a classrooms meeting time.
Want to hold a Skype conference, or teleconference to a distant place and need to know what time it is in the place your are calling; paste the widget code into your Wiki or blog. Just simply replace the word "Japan" with your own location and copy/paste the code into your plug-in or blog/website html reader. The clock widget is the most clean, simple, and easy way to put information from any place in the world on your website.
What Do I Need to Go Skyping?
To have a successful Skype you will need just four key components, an internet connection, a microphone/ headset, video camera and the link or location to start downloading the software. The last step is to Install Skype which only takes only a few minutes. Just go to the Skype Download page and click the Download button and Follow the directions for downloading Skype onto your computer.
Classroom Collaboration with Skype. This primer offers help with using Skype, connecting with others, and ideas for using it in the classroom.
eduwikius – SKYPE. This wiki contains plenty of information about using Skype in the classroom and also provides links to additional resources.
A Skype from the classroom. Find information on videoconferencing in general, the pros and cons of using Skype, school project ideas, and more here.
Using skype in the classroom. Learn from this teacher’s experience as she describes using Skype and how to best prepare your class and yourself for a great educational opportunity.
Dimdim is an open source web-based meeting solution along the lines of WebEx, GotoMeeting or Raindance. With Dimdim service you can freely host meetings with up to 20 participants andyou can show Presentations, Applications and Desktops to any other person over the internet. You can chat, show your webcam and talk with others in the meeting. If you have usedSkypethen you have a bit of an idea of what Dimdim does, what is different is that you can share presentation software. Dimdim also supports video conferencing.
Tokbox is a free video chat online video conferencing solution that allows up to 20 users at one time. provides online services for conferencing such as video chats, instant messaging, and the emailing of video messages. The browser-based online service provides a dedicated url for referencing calls and provides contact services that can be sent or hosted in a directory. Users can also schedule an event when multiple participants can linkup to a video conference. For more information on Tokbox preview Palm Breez video below.
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