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Screen Captures for Teaching

Page history last edited by Mike King 14 years, 1 month ago

Screen Capture

Wikipedia defines screenshot as, "a screen capture, or screen dump is an image taken by the computer to record the visible items displayed on the monitor or another visual output device. Usually this is a digital image taken by the host operating system or software running on the computer device, but it can also be a capture made by a camera or a device intercepting the video output of the computer. Screenshots, screen dumps, or screen captures can be used to demonstrate a program, a particular problem a user might be having or generally when computer output needs to be shown to others or archived, or to simply show off what you do on your computer to others."


For teachers, screen capture software can be an extremely effective tool when introducing new technology skills to students. Teachers, especially technology teachers, are often faced with the task of teaching technology skills that take multiple learning sequences to learn certain software applications.  To reinforce the development of technology skills, teachers can make use of screen recording software such as Camtasia Studio, Screencast-o-matic, Jing, Wink or CamStudio to develop video tutorials that introduce technology skills needed to complete a particular task.


The video tutorials can be made readily available and accessed on demand by learners who require additional support with using a particular technology. Technology tutorials may include simple tasks such as how to login to a website to more complex task of using software applications. Instructional recorded tutorials that demonstrate how to use an application can  be created by the teacher in about the same time it takes to teach the skill.


One  use of screen recording software is the creation of animated learning material for a digitally composed interactive lesson. Animations can be created with your favorite application such as using avatars in a PowerPoint presentation and then recording the screen to capture the animation. Teachers can also edit the recording by transferring the file to either you imovie or MovieMaker video software editor and create additional voiceovers or lay down music tracks.

PowerPoint Animated Video Screen Capture by Mike King


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 There are many benefits of screen recording on computer teaching and training from WonderShare they are listed as follows:

  1. Fully reflect the subjectivity of students, and drive the entire class to complete the task and explore more.
  2. With the video tutorials recorded from screen, it breaks restriction of time and space in learning. Usually, students listen to the teacher in the class, and then go to practice. If they don't focus their minds, some operations or main points may be unable to grasp. And it is not practical for teachers do repeat the course. Screen recording provides a convenient way to help students to learn and explore, no matter in classes or in extra-curricular.
  3. All levels of students are taken in consideration. There are some differences of learning progress among Students. It is more conducive for different levels of students if there are detailed video tutorials. Students who master fast and do some deep exploring while students who master slowly can spend more time and opportunity to consolidate their learning.
  4. A big help for teachers. There will be more time for teachers to manage and guide students in computer course learning. And there will be more time for Students to collaborate with peers, and more opportunities for exchanges opinions with their teachers.
  5. Screen recording documents can be done by both extra-curricular and in class. The screen recording documents need to be prepared before such computer courses. If necessary, teachers can install the screen recording software to help students deal with some unexpected problems in class. On-site recording and distributing is a necessary complement for pre-class preparation improvement.
  6. In favor of post-production and application. The screen recording documents used in class can be improved in accordance with the learning performance of students because of the post-editing and publishing features of screen recorder like DemoCreator. So that teachers can make better screen recording documents, and they can be used for other classes or for the next year.


Screencast-O-Matic is a free and easy way to create a video recording of your screen (aka screencast) and upload it for free hosting all from your browser with no install!  Screencast-o-matic.com was launched in May 2007 and is a website that allows technology teachers to create recordings of their screen activity and audio. Technology teachers can then post their videos to their website through the use of html widgets. To post an instructional video using Screencast software you can upload the screencast video to School Tube and then copy the "embeddable player" code into a plug-in as shown below. You can also directly hyperlink your presentation to your uploading website by using websites like TeacherTube, SchoolTube, Vimeo, and Graspr




Sample Embeddable Player Code for Widget Plug-in 


The screen cast website also allows a registered users to create screen casts and keep track of them in "My Screencasts." Technology teachers can create a Channel and add favorite screen casts to them. There is also a screen cast Request feature, which allows users to request for someone to do a screencast on a particular topic. Once their screen casts are complete, the screen cast creator has the options of viewing them on the Screencast-o-matic site or converting them to a QuikTime movie file which can be saved on a hard drive and uploaded to a video hosting website like the ones referenced above. You can also use ScreenCasting to record PowerPoint presentations.


Screencast - O- Matic Demonstration Video

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Screen Captures for Teaching


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